This final event in the HerCapital x Aspiriant Personal Finance Series focuses on behavioral finance and macroeconomics. We discuss both of these key concepts in addition to the ways in which investors can incorporate their knowledge of behavioral biases and macroeconomic trends in their investment decisions.
RecapThis joint workshop between Public and HerCapital provides a step-by-step investment account opening process as well as key tips & tricks when starting your investing journey.
RecapHear it from Her is a panel style discussion with three female financial experts with a range of personal investing experiences and expertise.
RecapThis second event in the HerCapital x Aspiriant Personal Finance Series will focus on investing. We will discuss building outperforming portfolios and changing the female investing narrative.
RecapMake Your Money Work: An Introduction to Investing is a discussion with female financial experts providing an overview on investing accounts, financial markets and key investing tips.
RecapThis kickoff event for our Personal Finance Series with Aspiriant provides an overview of the basics of financial management, saving and investing.